Thursday, July 1, 2010

Children are funny

Juan and I put the kids to bed and were downstairs when we heard the noise of something falling upstairs.  Juan went up to see what the noise was.  What he found... well, I just have to shake my head and laugh.  Corbin had pulled the box that holds the play doctor kit from the shelf in the upstairs playroom and that was the crash we heard.  Apparently, Corbin had scratched a scab off on his leg while he was in bed and it had started bleeding.  He got out of bed and tried to "clean" the ouchie hurt.  This meant that he took off his shorts and diaper and used every diaper wipe in our 1/3 full box of wipes to try and make it stop.  Why did he have to take off his shorts and diaper?  I don't know.  Then when that wasn't working he decided to try using the doctor's kit in the living room. 

Juan called me up there and I took over "doctoring" Corbin while he cleaned up the room.  I was working on getting the band aid and antibiotic ointment and Corbin was supposed to be sitting in a chair when I heard him in Jovi's room.  "Look Jovi, ouchie hurt." , as he showed off his leg.  Jovi looked down, "Oh, you poor baby." (said with real sympathy).  I came and got Corbin out of Jovi's room, put a diaper and the band aid on him and put him into bed.  I told him he couldn't get out of bed anymore.

Fifteen minutes later I heard noises upstairs.  I went upstairs and checked in Corbin's room.  The closet (that is used for storage and is normally blocked by a child sized couch) door was open.  I looked inside and found Corbin sitting on a shelf four feet off the ground, once again without a diaper.  I went and got Juan and Laura because I had to share.  I wish I had gotten a picture.  I put him back to bed again and was sterner in telling him he couldn't get out of his bed.  I caught him just about to get off one more time, but then he fell asleep.  Crazy night, crazy kids.

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