Monday, December 10, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend started on Wednesday with my dad's birthday and my sister and her fiance flying in from Utah.  It was the first time they got to meet Nate.

Laura got my dad the best birthday present, a pair of tiger slippers. This is what he did with him...

On Thursday, we spent Thanksgiving with Juan's family at his mom's house.  We had a great time with a nice traditional turkey dinner.  The kids spent most of the time picking pecans from the lawn and since the weather was so nice we spent a lot of time outside too.  We all had fun cracking the pecans the kids had picked up.  Did you know that some pecans are yellow?  They taste just like the regular pecans.  Corbin is showing off a yellow pecan in one of the pictures.

The rest of the weekend was spent with family, shopping and relaxing.  The kids loved having their aunt Emma and soon to be uncle Evan around to play with.



I taught Jovi how to finger weave over the weekend too.  She made headbands for herself and her doll, several doll scarves and some wrist warmers.

Here is everyone looking serious to match Nate.  It's amazing how "serious" looks so different on different people.

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