Pajama pants using this pattern. It is an awsome (very fast and easy) pants pattern and she just came out with one for adults too which I plan on getting to make some Christmas presents. I'm embarrased to say that I think this is one of the only things I've sewn for Corbin since he was a baby. We were blessed with a bunch of hand me downs and he's had such a nice wardrobe that there really hasn't been any need for me to make him clothes till now. They were both happy with the pajama pants and I got these cute shots.

Here are some pumpkin throw pillows I made for Halloween and Thanksgiving. I sent the Emma one to my sister at BYU to spruce up her dorm room. The Jack o lantern one has velcro on it and on the felt pieces so the kids can make it have different faces. The pieces are kept in a pocket on the back of the pillow.

Thanks for looking :).